In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Ready, Set, Done!.”
Okay, freewriting. I’ve always loved the concept, but I rarely do it. Yet I know some of my best poetry has come out of freewriting.
What I’ve been thinking about lately:
My dad and how he’s shaped my life
My identity
Stress and happiness
Weight. Food. Bleh.
Work/life balance
My wonderful kid
Relationships. Bleh.
How do I meet someone? Will I ever meet someone who fits with me?
Money. Bleh.
My job. Volunteering.
Progressing on the cello
Winter. Bleh.
I want to blog about all of these things. I will, in time. BUT some of these topics are more personal than others, and while I do want to write about them, I’m a little shy about putting myself out there.
This isn’t a very insightful post, is it? I’m not feeling very creative these days. Work stresses and tires me out, then I get home and want to do nothing. I know it’s just temporary. This too shall pass. So, focus on making it through today, making the best of today, and tomorrow do the same.