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Over 2000 Writing Prompts for Procrastinators Part 3

Monthly Prompts


  1. What is something you want to achieve this year?

  2. Write five goals for January.

  3. Make plans for Spring.


  1. What are your goals for February?

  2. Write about your dream Valentine’s Day date, you can try some Valentine doodles too.

  3. Have actionable steps for your big year goals.

  4. Talk about how your year is going so far.


  1. Make a spring cleaning plan to declutter your life.

  2. Do you have all the important dates and birthdays in your journal?

  3. Write how each season affects your mood and energy levels.

  4. If you could sum up March with any one word or phrase, what would it be?

  5. Describe your perfect way to celebrate a holiday this month.

  6. What are you most excited for this spring?

  7. Describe a perfect day spent with your family.

  8. List 5-10 things that remind you of spring.

  9. If you could only work to accomplish one goal this spring, what would it be?

  10. How can you improve your mental health this spring?

  11. What are some easy ways you can improve your nutrition?

  12. What memories do springtime flowers bring you?

  13. What are some recent challenges you have overcome?

  14. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?

  15. What do you love about the rain?

  16. Will your morning routine change this season?

  17. What are healthy habits you want to start?

  18. List some activities that can get you outside.

  19. What has been making you happy lately?

  20. List 3 ways life is different this year compared to last year.

  21. Who are 3 people you can make spring plans with?

  22. What is a recent memory you don’t want to forget?

  23. What is one habit you want to leave behind?

  24. List your best family memories this spring.

  25. What is one thing you can cross off your to-do list this month?


  1. Make a plan for your dream garden.

  2. What summer plans do you have?

  3. Write the perfect way to spend Easter.

  4. Are there any important birthdays or dates to remember in April?

  5. What do you love to do when it rains?


  1. How would you make a rainy day amazing?

  2. What is a challenge you would like to overcome?

  3. Plan all the holidays you celebrate.

  4. You’re almost halfway through the year – how is it going so far?

  5. Name one challenge you want to overcome in May.

  6. What do you want to do over the summer?


  1. How are you progressing with your year goals?

  2. Name a fear you would like to overcome.

  3. What are you grateful for in your life?

  4. If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be?

  5. Talk about your June plans and goals.


  1. What have been the best summer vacations you have had?

  2. Write about your dream summer vacation.

  3. If you went back to school, what would you study?


  1. What are 10 affirmations you could say daily?

  2. What are you looking forward to in August?

  3. If you are a parent, plan an amazing day with your kid/s.

  4. Write a poem or short story that takes place in the fall.


  1. What is your favorite thing about Fall?

  2. Write a poem about Fall

  3. Make plans for celebrating Halloween

  4. What are your plans for the fall season?

  5. Describe your experiences when you were in college.

  6. If you are a parent – what would you love to do with your kids this month?


  1. What was your all-time favorite Halloween costume?

  2. What food really puts you in the Fall mood?

  3. List some mood lifters for when the weather starts to get colder.

  4. Have you accomplished any goals yet this year? If not, list something you can get done in October.


  1. Create an amazing memory. Plan it and write about it afterward.

  2. The year is nearly over, what is something you want to achieve before it ends?

  3. Make a Plan for the Christmas Holidays. Write about how the Holidays make you feel.

  4. What is your favorite fall treat?

  5. Make a memory – show your family your favorite movie, and write about the experience.


  1. What is your favorite winter activity?

  2. Did you reach your goals? Why? Why not?

  3. What is a skill you would like to learn next year?

  4. Talk about Christmas or another holiday you celebrate – are you excited? What are your plans?

  5. Your day. What did you eat, where did you go and who did you talk to? What did you think about today?

  6. Your to-do list. What are you working on at work or in your job search, and at home? What’s on your plate? Get your to-do list out of your head and write about it. What could you shuffle around or push off to a later date in your to-do list, and how will you reward yourself when you’ve accomplished each item on your list?

  7. Your plans. What are you planning to accomplish and experience next year? What are you excited about for this new year?

  8. Your hopes for the next year. What elements of your life and career would you like to see change next year, and how would you like them to change?

  9. Your future. When December 31 arrives, how would you like your life to be different than it is now? Where do you want your life and career to go in the following year?

  10. Your concerns. What’s bugging you or stressing you out? What are the biggest stress factors in your life right now? Write about them and look at them. What steps can you take to ease your burden this year and make your life easier and more rewarding than it is now?

  11. Your health. How are you and your body getting along these days? What would you like to see change in your health, and how can you take steps to gradually make those changes?

  12. Your relationships. Who is important to you at work and at home, and how do you and they support one another? Who do you rely on at work, and at home?

  13. Your creative life. What do you do for your creative spirit, or what can you begin doing this year? Maybe this journaling practice is the start of something really cool in your creative expression. How can you make small changes to allow more of your creative side to shine through next year?

  14. Your memories of the past year. What events, people, learning or experiences made an impression on you and affected your feelings and/or your path going forward?

  15. Your career path. Is your current career path still supporting who you are and want to be, or is it time to look at your path from a higher altitude?

  16. Your long-term goals. What do you want from your life and your career overall — to experience, to accomplish, to learn, to teach or to bring about? This is the high-altitude view from the Cloud Level. What is your life about, and if like most people you’re not sure, how could you begin that exploration?

  17. Your memories. Lots of us live our lives and then seldom if ever think about the past, but your path so far is a goldmine for understanding of yourself, other people and the world. Write about your memories from childhood, from your school days and from the days since then.

  18. Your tastes. What are your favorite movies? Who are your favorite musical and visual artists? If you are a theater-goer, dance aficionado orlive music buff, what kind of theater, dance and music do you like most? What have been your creative influences so far in your life?

  19. Your intellectual life. What do you read if you like to read, and what do you listen to on the radio or online? Who do you share ideas with and formulate your viewpoints with? How do you get the intellectual stimulation you need, and if you’re not getting it now, how can you begin to do so next year?

  20. The news and current events. What kind of news do you follow and what are your thoughts about events and people in the news?

  21. Fun. How do you celebrate good news and how do you relax and have fun? Do you relax in a boat on a lake or in a movie theatre or doing yoga on your dining room floor? What is a fun day in your opinion, and how can you arrange one of those very soon?

  22. Ideas. What ideas swirl around in your head — ideas for your life or parties you’d like to throw or the screenplay you want to write or that crazy idea about getting a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Write about your practical and out-there ideas. Look at them and ask “What is this idea telling me?” Maybe you are meant to get a puppy after all.

  23. Your journey. It isn’t easy being a grownup. There are way too many things to deal with. How are you holding up in your journey? What are you thinking about? What’s in your way, and how can you tunnel under it, vault over it, make a hole through it or sail right by it?

  24. Dreams and signals. Write about your dreams and daydreams, the images and sounds that catch your attention and the little synchronistic things that happen in your life and give you a little buzz, like static electricity. The more awake you get to your own existence and your path the more you’ll notice interesting coincidences and themes emerging. Write about them!

  25. Your persona. Who are you at work, and who are you with your friends? How are those people different? Are the differences healthy and fun for you — like playing different parts in different plays at the same time — or are the gaps between your home-self and your work-self stressful for you? How could you bring yourself to work next year and speak with your own voice?

  26. If you knew that you could choose any career you wanted to and knew you’d be successful at it, what career would you choose?

  27. If you could choose the lifestyle you wanted and design it down to the smallest detail, what would that lifestyle be?

  28. What’s stopping you?


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